Tuesday, July 27, 2010

First Street Tags

Take a little field trip to see these new yarntags along First Street West, between 2nd and 3rd Avenue!

We made 5, so that all the square light-posts in that block are decorated. Each has a tag that says "yarntagrz" so that interested people might google us . . .

Next project? We'd love to make a HUGE tag and cover a sign or light-post sometime. Wouldn't that be fun? Anyone want to help? We could patch together knit and crochet . . . or work on something together.

We like the idea of staying just south/west of the river--that part of town still looks a bit down after the flood. Downtown north/east of the river has huge concrete flower plantings and sculptures, but not this area. So it will get some handcrafts.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


While on vacation, I saw this lovely tagged tree.

Now I'm having fun working up some motifs from Beyond the Square: Crochet Motifs.
I'm sure I can find some use for them . . . . I'm thinking of those lamp posts along 1st Street SW:-)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

New Project!

Well, it's a revision of our first project!

We tagged this sign with a small tag, but it's hard to see. Shall we cover the entire thing, like this?
If you want to collaborate, it's easy. A sign post has a circumference of 8 1/2 inches. Make a rectangle with that measurement on one side. Leave a long tail after finishing to sew it on, and voila! We don't have to sew the patches together.

If you'd like to help with this project, use any yarn, any stitch--knit or crochet. Let me know if you want to meet me there, or you can add your bit when you're done.

And while you're there, take a look at those squared-off lamp posts along 1st St. I'm thinking they need some lacy decorations . . .